Events at the Lake!
Below you'll be able to see updated information on any upcoming events at Wamplers Lake. Our events range from board meetings to community picnics to fishing tournaments. If you think there is missing or incorrect information about an upcoming event please scroll to the bottom of the page and submit a message through the website. Our aim is to make this page as accurate and helpful as possible for everyone!
WLPOA Annual Members Meeting
When: Saturday, June 15th at 10:00 am
Where: St. Joseph Shrine Family Center located at Egan Hwy and US12
All WLPOA members are welcome.
New members may join and pay dues ($35) at this meeting.
Non-members may attend but are restricted from voting.
Pastries and Coffee will be provided
Our speakers will address the following topics:
Lake Weed Treatment 2023-2024
Lake Manager, Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones: Restorative Lake Sciences
Cambridge Township Water Patrol: Boaters Safety on Wamplers Lake

4th Of July Fireworks Saturday July 6th
For the last several years a group on the North Shore has organized their own private fireworks show. It is quite something to see.
This year will be their 12th year. Last year the show ran for more than an hour and was viewed by hundreds lining Wamplers Heights Drive, in boats scattered on our lake, from the Deck at Jerrys Pub, and from homes along our shoreline. It was an amazing, well organized event.
This event is funded from contributions by neighbors and fans. This year the show is planned for Saturday July 6th at dusk. Join us by land or on the water to view the action.
Contributions for support are appreciated and may be made to:
Wamplers Lake Social
Date: Tuesday August 13th, 2024
Place: Deck of Jerry’s Pub
Time: 5:00PM – 8:00PM
Pub will be serving ballpark hot dogs and chips. Bar on the deck will be open for alcohol and drink purchase.
There will also be a 50/50 raffle
All are welcome and invite your neighbors.